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Search begins for new dean of NMSU College of Education

  • By Adriana M. Chávez
  • 575-646-1957
  • adchavez@nmsu.edu
  • Oct 24, 2019
Head and shoulders of a man

New Mexico State University is moving forward with a national search to find the next dean of the College of Education.

NMSU Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Carol Parker recently announced that Enrico Pontelli, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, will chair a committee to assist with identifying qualified candidates.

The next steps will be to seat and charge a search committee and to begin recruiting. The position will be advertised in the Chronicle of Higher Education and Inside Higher Ed, among other publications, and the NMSU Human Resource Services website.

Parker has asked for feedback from faculty and staff in the College of Education and throughout the campus community to identify and nominate qualified applicants. Nominations can be submitted at the search website, https://webcomm.nmsu.edu/hire/, or by writing to Pontelli at EdDeanSearch@nmsu.edu.

“In my experience, some of the strongest candidates will be identified by people within the college who understand the mission and can identify applicants who are likely to be a good fit,” Parker said.

The next dean of the College of Education will have numerous opportunities to develop initiatives as part of the implementation of the college’s strategic plan in alignment with the NMSU LEADS 2025 Strategic Plan (https://nmsu.edu/LEADS/).

College of Education interim Dean Susan Brown will remain in the position until a permanent dean is selected.