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Green to receive NMSU’s Roberts Memorial Staff Award

  • By Faith Schifani
  • 575-646-6233
  • schifani@nmsu.edu
  • Oct 16, 2019
Woman poses with flowers.

The Stephen W. and Robert E. Roberts Memorial Staff Award is presented annually to a member of the New Mexico State University staff who has exhibited positivity and made a great impact on the college and community. Sabine Green is the 2018 recipient.

A ceremony in her honor will be from 3 to 5 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 17 in Corbett Center Student Union’s Dona Ana Room 312. Family, friends and colleagues are invited to attend.

Green is an Aggie alumna and became an NMSU staff member in 2003. She took the position of floriculture program coordinator in the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences. She has excelled in this role by integrated classroom teaching with weekly flower sales, greenhouse plant production, service projects and collaboration with the floral industry.

“Mentoring my students is definitely my favorite part of this job,” said Green. “I choose the word mentoring, as opposed to teaching, as I feel that what happens outside of the classroom during one-on-one or small group sessions is really the heart of the program. The floral program has a reputation with the student body as being different, but real.  I encourage authenticity and exploration of those that I work with through the program, finding that these two values create some incredible floral artists. My students are my passion.”

Green was nominated by Geno Picchioni, plant and environmental sciences professor, and received high praises from several members of the NMSU community including University Training Specialist Stephanie Miller.

“Ms. Green is exactly the type of committed Aggie who typifies the qualities the award seeks to recognize,” said Miller. “Service to community, making NMSU a warm and kind place to work, and helping students create beauty while mastering a skill that will do them well in their career development are all things that Ms. Green does with warmth and good cheer.”

Outside of the classroom, Green is actively involved in undergraduate student recruitment and travels to local high schools to present to Future Farmers of America students and teachers. Green also coaches the NMSU floral evaluation and design team, which ranks high in regional and national competitions. In her spare time, she generously creates floral arrangements and centerpieces for a number of NMSU events.

For more information about the reception, contact NMSU Training Specialist Jagan Butler at 575-646-7176 or jabutler@nmsu.edu.