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Agricultural researchers share updates at NMSU’s Clovis Field Day Aug. 8

  • By Darrell Pehr
  • 575-646-3223
  • pehr@nmsu.edu
  • Jul 30, 2019
Group on a trolley

With production agriculture in Curry County leading the state of New Mexico in cash receipts for agricultural commodities – surpassing $553 million in 2017 – just about everyone in this northeastern New Mexico county has a connection of some kind to agriculture.

Providing research expertise to agricultural producers in this part of the state is New Mexico State University’s Agricultural Science Center at Clovis, part of the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. To help keep producers and the public informed of the latest research activity, the center is planning its annual Field Day Thursday, Aug. 8.

“If you want to learn about industrial hemp production, regulations and licensing fees, guar as an alternative crop, soil health and weed management in corn and sorghum, you won’t want to miss this free event,” said Clovis Science Center Superintendent Abdel Mesbah.

The field day kicks off with registration and refreshments at 8 a.m., followed by a welcome and introduction by Mesbah.

Mesbah said the field day is about sharing research outcomes to benefit the farming community.

“The purpose of this free event is to bring producers and researchers together to visit and interact with each other and share ideas and opinions about different cultural practices,” Mesbah said. “This is the perfect opportunity for producers to ask questions and get answers in a one-on-one setting.”

A trolley tour of the fields will begin at approximately 9 a.m. and the following topics will be discussed:
– Industrial Hemp Production. Rick Novak, Seed Program Director, Colorado State University
– Soil and Water Conservation in Corn Production. Sultan Begna, Research Scientist, NMSU
– Weed Management in Sorghum. Brent Bean, Agronomist, United Sorghum Checkoff
– Peanuts for Forage Production. Naveen Puppala, Peanut Breeder, NMSU
– Weed Management in Corn. Abdel Mesbah, Superintendent, NMSU
– Guar as an Alternative Crop. John Idowu, Extension Agronomist, NMSU
– Dairy Compost for Soil Health. Rajan Ghimire, Cropping System Specialist, NMSU
– Industrial Hemp Production/Regulations and Fees. Brad Lewis, NMDA

Lunch will be catered by K-Bob’s Restaurant, and organizers expressed their thanks to the local sponsors.

The afternoon will be reserved for individuals or small groups interested in touring specific trials or plots.

The Agricultural Science Center is 13 miles north of Clovis on Highway 288. For additional information or directions, call 575-985-2292 or email clovis@nmsu.edu.