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NMSU Board of Regents to hold closed executive session meeting June 14

  • By Darrell Pehr
  • 575-646-6233
  • pehr@nmsu.edu
  • Jun 10, 2019
Campus reflection in window with the NMSU logo.

The Board of Regents of New Mexico State University will hold a closed executive session meeting following a 2 p.m. special meeting Friday, June 14, at the New Mexico Higher Education Department, Taos Conference Room, 2044 Galisteo Street, Suite #4, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

The closed executive session meeting is being called to discuss the hiring of the Chief Legal Counsel as permitted under the personnel matters exemption to the Open Meetings Act, NMSA Section 10-15-1, subsection (H)(2). In addition, the board will discuss a letter of intent for the acquisition of real property from a private entity as permitted by NMSA Section 10-15-1, subsection (H)(8) of the Open Meetings Act. No votes or official actions will be taken in the meeting.

The agenda for the June 14 closed meeting is as follows:

A. Call to Order, Chair Dina Chacón-Reitzel

B. Items for Discussion
1. Hiring of Chief Legal Counsel, Chancellor Dan E. Arvizu
2. Letter of Intent for the Acquisition of Real Property, President & CEO Scott Eschenbrenner

C. Adjournment, Chair Dina Chacón-Reitzel

Please contact the Office of the Board of Regents at 575-646-5997 for additional information.