Roosevelt County 4-H livestock judging team fifth at national competition

PORTALES - The Roosevelt County 4-H Livestock Judging Team represented New Mexico at the 89th Annual National 4-H Livestock Judging Contest hosted by the North American International Livestock Exposition in Louisville, Ky.
The Roosevelt County Team qualified for the national competition by winning the State 4-H Judging Contest held in July in Las Cruces.
The team consisted of Koby Cone and Kaly Cone of Portales, Kenzee Criswell of Pep, N.M., and Kynzi Creighton of Elida, N.M.
The New Mexico team competed against 31 other teams from across the United States. The Roosevelt County team was fifth overall by accumulating points as eighth high team in sheep, third high team in swine, sixth high team in cattle, and fifth high team in oral reasons.
On the individual side, Koby Cone was fifth high in swine, eighth high in cattle, eighth high in oral reasons and ninth high overall. Creighton was 10th high in oral reasons.
The team was coached by Mike Cone, volunteer leader; and Patrick Kircher, NMSU Roosevelt County agriculture agent.