NMSU regents approve financial report

At a regular meeting Friday, Dec. 13, the New Mexico State University Board of Regents approved the university's audited financial report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013.
Angela Throneberry, senior vice president for administration and finance, presented the audited annual financial statements, including the report of the independent audit firm of Moss Adams LLP reflecting a clean or unmodified opinion.
The regents also approved updates to the master plan, which included minor changes to reflect construction activity and developments during the past seven years.
In other business, the regents adopted a resolution in support of the Borderplex Alliance, which advocates for economic development in southern New Mexico and El Paso. They also adopted a resolution in support for the upcoming Las Cruces Public Schools bond vote; if passed the bond will provide funding for upgrading of local schools.
The regents heard annual updates on research from Vimal Chaitanya, vice president for research, and Auxiliary Services from Tammy Anthony, assistant vice president for Auxiliary Services.
Chaitanya highlighted achievements of NMSU's research enterprise indicating that most of the university's research funding comes from federal sources, about 79 percent. The university has taken steps to increase proposal submissions. There is an initiative to increase funding from non-federal sources as well.
Anthony gave an overview of Auxiliary Services, including that it is a self-supporting entity that manages a $51 million combined budget, with about 1,000 employees. Auxiliary Services is committed to improving the student's experience.
Julie Weber, director of housing and campus life, who gave some insights on housing trends, joined Anthony during the presentation. She said students who live on campus are more likely to graduate and use of campus resources directly contributes to academic success. Weber said there has been an increase in first-time freshmen choosing to live on campus. Important initiatives for housing will be to provide wireless Internet throughout the housing facilities, increase the availability of single room options, replace aging facilities, and exploring public, private partnerships.
Anthony also highlighted capital projects scheduled to get under way, including the golf course irrigation system, a new roof for the Pan American Center and improvements to Corbett Center Student Union.
There also were updates on the designs in progress for an Undergraduate Learning Center in the middle of campus that includes major renovations of Jacobs and Hardman Halls and significant renovation plans for the baseball complex, Presley Askew Field. Both projects are slated to start in 2014.
The board also received an update from Jose Garcia, New Mexico secretary of higher education, on the HED funding formula.
Finally, the board presented the Above & Beyond Award to Shelley DeBlasis, assistant professor of English and director of the NMSU Carlsbad developmental education program. The Above & Beyond Award recognizes full-time employees who go the extra distance in service to any and all aspects of the NMSU system. Individuals are recognized for performance that goes "above and beyond" their regular responsibilities and for demonstrating a positive attitude that inspires others.
"DeBlasis performed in an exemplary fashion in the modification of the NMSU Carlsbad Developmental Education program," said NMSU Carlsbad President John Gratton. "Due to her diligence and dedication, NMSU Carlsbad has made great strides in the progress toward implementing a plan of study that best meets student needs."
DeBlasis analyzes data of enrollment and development class pass rates. After discovering the positive correlation between taking classes in consecutive semesters and pass rates, she passionately introduced proactive advising. DeBlasis is willing to conduct carefully planned experiments and not afraid to incorporate changes to improve the curriculum.