NMSU professor receives national award for distinguished service

Cristobal Rodriguez, an assistant professor in New Mexico State University's College of Education, will receive a distinguished service award for his national leadership at the University Council for Educational Administration annual convention, Nov. 7-10, in Indianapolis.
Rodriguez, who teaches in the educational management and development department, is receiving the award for his work in expanding a leading national program in the preparation and support of minority doctoral students toward the profession through the Barbara L. Jackson Scholars Network and Research Symposiums.
"It's humbling to be recognized for the work we do, but there also is something profound in being recognized for the hopes, dreams and efforts we provide for our students," he said.
As the associate director of graduate student development for the national organization, Rodriguez completed his three-year term in the summer of 2013. During his tenure, the number of annual nominations for Jackson Scholars increased from an average of 30 students to 60 students, which included racially diverse young scholars such as doctoral students from NMSU.
He enhanced the national program with his leadership and encouraged nominations of minority doctoral students for the Jackson Scholars, which provides the students with mentorships from leading national scholars and support for writing and research development efforts through research symposiums and workshops.