NMSU hosts International Education Week Nov. 11-15

The Office of International and Border Programs at New Mexico State University is sponsoring International Education Week, Nov. 11-15, which highlights the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide.
NMSU is partnering with the U.S. Department of State, U.S. Department of Education and U.S. Institutions of Higher Education to promote programs that prepare students for a global environment.
"International Education Week captures the essence of internationalization efforts at New Mexico State University through a series of engaging presentations and activities that represent NMSU's thriving global capacity," said Kristian Chervenock, director of NMSU's Office of Education Abroad.
Each day will have a specific focus with Monday dedicated to students. Presentations on student experiences from studying abroad start at 2 p.m. in Corbett Center.
"This year's celebration is focused primarily on those individuals, students and faculty alike, that have traveled abroad and returned to NMSU as more enriched global citizens," he said. "We are also very excited to hear from several of our international students as they share stories about their home countries and cultures. These events are free and open to the public and we're certain that there is something of interest for everyone during this exciting week."
Tuesday will have visitors from the U.S. State Department and Peace Corps discussing career opportunities. The El Paso Passport Agency will be on campus accepting applications for U.S. passports from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Tuesday at Corbett Center.
Wednesday's focus will be on faculty. The Globalization Award presentation is at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Corbett Center Auditorium with screenings at 6 p.m. of "The Dialogue" and at 7:30 p.m. of "Documentary Filmmaking in Belize," an NMSU Creative Media Institute faculty- led International Program.
Thursday is a celebration of cultures at NMSU with afternoon presentations. The week concludes on Friday at 6:30 p.m. with the third annual By Golly We've Gone Global Event at the West End Art Depot, 401 N. Mesilla St.
The events are free and open to the public. For the complete schedule of events visit http://oii.nmsu.edu/international-education-week-schedule/.