Professors to discuss their work at NMSU Research Rally

WHAT: Research Rally celebrating NMSU's College of Arts and Sciences professors
WHO: Jonathon Cook, computer science; Frank Ramos, geological sciences
WHEN: 8 a.m. Friday, Oct. 11
WHERE: O'Donnell Hall Room 104
New Mexico State University will recognize the research efforts of two of its College of Arts and Sciences faculty members, Jonathon Cook of the computer science department and Frank Ramos of the geological sciences department.
Cook's project, "Acquisition of an instrument for research in irregularly parallel big data computation," has earned him a $250,000 grant from the National Science Foundation.
After introductory remarks by Vice President for Research Vimal Chaitanya, Cook will present an overview of the instrument and its use in studying data-driven graph computations at the heart of the big data analytics that will drive new computational successes.
Ramos will discuss his own research, which recently helped him earn his own $500,000 NSF grant, as well as a separate gift from NMSU geological science alum Michael Johnson.
His grant money will be used to purchase a new multi-collector inductively coupled mass spectrometer laboratory for the university, as well as an excimer laser and other equipment to support the lab's mass spectrometry operations. This equipment will be used to support research being conducted by multiple departments in various colleges.
At 9 a.m., both professors will answer questions about their work. Light refreshments will be served after the presentations.