NMSU to participate in nationwide Campus Sustainability Day celebration

The New Mexico State University Office of Sustainability, NMSU Sustainability Council and NMSU student sustainability-related organizations will host a series of events as part of the nationwide celebration of Campus Sustainability Day on Wednesday, Oct. 23.
The Office of Sustainability, the Organization of Aggie Students Inspiring Sustainability, Sodexo and the Environmental Science Student Organization will man educational booths outside the Corbett Center Student Union Rotunda.
The Campus Sustainability Day National Keynote Broadcast webinar and discussion is scheduled for noon to 1:30 p.m. and will be viewed in Corbett Center Room 304, Senate Gallery. The theme of the webinar is "Climate Adaptation: Resilient Campuses and Communities."
A panel discussion will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. in Corbett Center Room 210, Colfax Room. NMSU Executive Vice President and Provost Dan Howard will open the event, and panelists including Greg Block, Housing; Satish Ranade, College of Engineering; Mark Uchanski, Agriculture; and Steve Self, the new Sustainability Council chair, will share their ideas on what NMSU is doing for climate adaptation. The panel also will entertain questions from participants.
Make a difference by sharing your ideas on the future of sustainability at NMSU. Food and drinks will be provided; we encourage you to bring your own cup, plate and utensils, if you can.
"'Moving sustainability forward' is the theme of this year's Campus Sustainability Day. Our overarching goal is to make NMSU known as a green university," said joni newcomer, NMSU manager of Environmental Policy and Sustainability. "We want students to graduate with a good knowledge of sustainability principles as they move into the working world."
All Campus Sustainability Day events are free. The public is encouraged to attend. Visit http://sustainability.nmsu.edu/sustainabilityDay.html for additional information.