Sandoval County couple inducted into New Mexico 4-H Hall of Fame

Sandoval County residents Timothy and Charla Johnson were among the 10 4-H leaders and supporters inducted into the New Mexico 4-H Hall of Fame in July at New Mexico State University. The induction ceremony, which was held during the 4-H State Conference, included individual recognition for the inductees and a breakfast.
The hall of fame, established in 2002, honors 4-H members, volunteer leaders, fair superintendents, advisory board members, 4-H Foundation trustees and former faculty with NMSU's Cooperative Extension Service, which administers 4-H statewide.
"This is the highest honor we have to offer people who have provided support and service to 4-H members in New Mexico," said Rick Richardson, interim department head of the NMSU Cooperative Extension Service's 4-H Youth Development Program. "These individuals have given cumulatively more than 210 years of service to the New Mexico 4-H program. Including this group, we have inducted 195 individuals and couples into the hall of fame."
The Johnsons were inducted along with the late Jimmie Dee Fox of De Baca County; Martha Sayles of Dona Ana County; the late Elmer Allen of Hidalgo County; Berniece Coriz, Debbie Manzanares and Alma "Skeeter" Schmitz, all of Rio Arriba County; and Janie Hardin and Fran Welch, both of Roosevelt County.
Timothy and Charla Johnson work to provide opportunities and values through 4-H to the youth of their community. They have served on the Sandoval County Fair Board for many years.
The Johnsons have helped the youth with their sheep, meat goat and beef projects by opening their ranch, feed store and hearts to many Native American youth from the Navajo Nation.
They host clipping and showmanship clinics so the youth may succeed with their projects. They are dedicated in providing opportunities to the youth of their community.
The couple has been instrumental in strengthening the youth livestock shows and Junior Livestock Auction. They know the importance of rewarding youth for their accomplishments by forming a buyers club.