NMSU President to visit Artesia

New Mexico State University President Garrey Carruthers will speak about the future of the university during the Artesia Alumni Reception from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. on July 27 at the Ocotillo Performing Arts Center lobby in Artesia, N.M.
The Ocotillo Performing Arts Center is located on 310 W. Main St. The event is sponsored by the NMSU Alumni Association along with the NMSU College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.
"Alumni should come out to reconnect to other graduates of NMSU, learn about recent achievements at the university and show their support and pride for NMSU," said Mallory Driggers, NMSU Alumni Relations associate director. "It will also be a great opportunity to meet President Carruthers and listen to his vision for the future NMSU."
Lowell Catlett, dean of the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, will accompany Carruthers during the Artesia Alumni Reception.
For more information contact NMSU Alumni Relations at 575-646-3616 or email alumni@nmsu.edu.