Clovis annual Field Day aims to answer questions one-on-one

Do you have questions about alternative forages? How about cover crops or soil erosion? These and many other topics will be covered at the New Mexico State University's Agricultural Science Center at Clovis annual Field Day Aug. 7.
The Field Day will also cover issues such as improving nitrogen use efficiency in sorghum, breeding peanuts, corn irrigation and safflower as alternative cover crops.
The event will begin at 8 a.m., the field day starts at 9 a.m. and lunch will be provided at noon after a guided tour of the facilities.
The Field Day offers the opportunity for farmers, ranchers or any member from the community to learn about the research conducted at the science center, as well as discussing other issues or concerns. The faculty at the center is involved with several projects including water stress, fertility, weed management, and variety trials in wheat, sorghum, corn, cotton, canola, safflower, guar and peanut breeding.
The attendees will also have the chance to meet the new superintendent of the science center, Abdel Mesbah.
"This will be a great opportunity to meet farmers and ranchers and other people," Mesbah said. "I want to know what their needs are and what their concerns are so we can help them."
Mesbah said he wants people to know they can use the science center as a resource.
"Our primary job is to help the community of Clovis, and New Mexico in general," he added. "From the smallest concern to bigger issues on things like drought, we can help them. On the Field Day, they will get their questions answered one-on-one."