NMSU to host National Pollinator Week workshop at Los Lunas agricultural science center

Staff members at the New Mexico State University Agricultural Science Center at Los Lunas and the Natural Resource Conservation Service Los Lunas Plant Materials Center at Los Lunas will host a workshop on native pollinators and how to sustain them, from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, June 15.
"Most people are aware of the so-called Colony Collapse Disorder affecting honeybees in many parts of the world, but few realize the importance of our wild native pollinators," said Tess Grasswitz, NMSU urban/small farms integrated pest management specialist stationed at the Los Lunas science center.
"Six years ago, the United States Senate approved the designation of a week in June as National Pollinator Week marking a necessary step toward addressing the urgent issue of declining pollinator populations," she said. "Pollinator Week is a time to highlight the importance of pollinators and to inform as many people about the ways in which we can help these animals."
The free workshop will include a presentation by Grasswitz about the pollinators and their needs, and a presentation on the best plants for them in this area by David Dreesen, USDA-NRCS agronomist and horticulturist. There will also be opportunities to see a range of native bee species and to visit the extensive pollinator plantings at the agricultural center, located at 1036 Miller Road in Los Lunas.
The staff members would appreciate that attendees RSVP by email to debosand@nmsu.edu or by calling 505-865-7340.