NMSU Rodeo team fares well at 2013 College National Finals Rodeo

"Although we want to win national titles, I was pleased with our rodeo athlete's performances," said Jim Brown, NMSU rodeo coach. "I am very proud of the team and their performances. They represented NMSU very well at this year's CNFR."
Bryce Runyan and Cooper DeWitt ended the rodeo finals week with national rankings. Runyan was ranked No. 3 in tie-down roping and DeWitt placed 7th in saddle bronc riding.
Over the week Meghan Johnson placed first in round three in barrel racing. Cody Mirabal and Reno Eddy placed fourth in round one in team roping. Bo Simpson placed fourth in round three in tie-down roping. During this event Simpson was injured and lost portion of his right ring finger.
"Bo finished his run and then quickly made his exit to the paramedics," Brown said. "He is well and is making a full recovery. Unfortunately, they were not able to reattach the piece of his finger."
The 2013-2014 NMSU rodeo season will start up in September.