NMSU business students to get a charge out of meeting with El Paso Electric CEO

"We are very fortune to have Mr. Shockley speak to one of our public utility regulation classes," said Doug Gegax, the professor of the class Shockley will address and the director of NMSU's Center for Public Utilities. "This is a great opportunity for our students to hear from a CEO and learn about current executive level issues as well as employment opportunities and needs at El Paso Electric."
NMSU's Department of Economics, Applied Statistics and International Business has a graduate certificate program in public utility regulation and economics as well as a specialization for master's of economics students. Past graduates have gone on to work for utility companies and regulatory agencies across the U.S., including El Paso Electric. Graduate electrical engineering students also take the economics department's classes in public utility regulation.
"Our students are some of the best in the country," said Garrey Carruthers, NMSU's vice president for economic development and dean of the College of Business. "Not everyone has a chance to meet and connect with an expert in business like Tom Shockley. This kind of opportunity will certainly give these students valuable insight and a leg up down the road."
Shockley's visit is part of an NMSU College of Business series of speakers who not only connect with students but also provide mentorship and offer career advice. As part of the series, Mary Kipp, El Paso Electric's senior vice president, general counsel and chief compliance officer, will address the same class on April 9.
Shockley's presentation will be approximately 30 minutes, with an additional 15 minutes for student questions and answers. Seven El Paso Electric employees are also enrolled in the class and will participate via live videoconference from a remote site.
NMSU is one of only three universities with a campus-based national industry training institute like the Center for Public Utilities, which is endorsed by the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners. The CPU's training courses are attended each year by more than 400 professional staff at utility companies and federal and state commissions across the entire country.
NMSU is the only university in the country with both a NARUC-sanctioned industry training institute and a graduate degree program specific to public utilities regulation. The overlap between the two strengthens the real-world exposure received by students in the master's program.