NMSU Career Services hosts 8th annual Career Connections

"This event begins the spring campus recruiting season by bringing employers and candidates together," said Roseanne Bensley, associate director for NMSU Career Services and Career Connections event coordinator.
Free for candidates and open to NMSU students, alumni and the general public, Career Connections provides opportunities for students to meet potential employers, find out career information and – in some cases – arrange interviews for positions ranging from internships and co-ops, to summer or permanent full-time positions.
With more than 1,000 candidates attending last year's two-day event and around 100 employers projected to attend this year, Career Connections allows candidates and employers to communicate on a personal and face-to-face basis.
On Tuesday, Feb. 5, the focus of the event will be business, agriculture, liberal arts and community health. On Wednesday, Feb. 6, the focus will be engineering, science and technology. The event will take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Corbett Center Ballrooms on the NMSU campus.
Though each day focuses on specific career fields, employers and candidates are encouraged to attend both days to maximize their networking opportunities. Candidates are also advised to bring their resume and dress appropriately.
Employers who would like to attend may register online with NMSU Career Services using AggieCAREER Manager. Candidates do not have to pre-register.