NMSU to participate in nationwide Campus Sustainability Day celebration

The Office of Sustainability, the Organization of Aggie Students Inspiring Sustainability, the NMSU Police Department, Sodexo and the Environmental Science Student Organization will man educational booths outside the Corbett Center Student Union Rotunda.
The NMSU Police Department will assist faculty, staff and students with on-campus bicycle registration at their booth. Those interested in registering their bikes need to know the make, model and color of the bike, its serial number, type, size and value.
"Bicycle registration is free, as are most crime prevention programs at the NMSU Police Department," said Amanda Bowen, NMSU Police Department crime prevention coordinator. "Registered bikes are stolen less often and are easier to recover if they are stolen."
The Campus Sustainability Day National Keynote Broadcast webinar and discussion is scheduled for noon to 1:30 p.m. and will be viewed in Corbett Center Room 303, Senate Chambers. The theme of the webinar is "Preparing Students for Climate Change." Participants will be able to ask questions of the five keynote panelists, Geoffrey Chase, Julie Elzanati, Julian Keniry, Neil Weissman and Debera Johnson on topics ranging from curriculum to campus operations. Drinks will be provided; the Office of Sustainability asks participants to bring their own reusable cup.
The Campus Forum on Sustainability: Moving Toward Success, will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. in Corbett Center Room 210, Colfax Room. Make a difference by sharing your ideas on the future of sustainability at NMSU. Pizza and drinks will be provided; we encourage you to bring your own cup/plate/utensils if you have them.
"'Moving sustainability forward' is the theme of this year's Campus Sustainability Day. Our overarching goal is to make NMSU known as a green university," said joni newcomer, NMSU manager of Environmental Policy and Sustainability. "We want students to graduate with a good knowledge of sustainability principles as they move into the working world."
All Campus Sustainability Day events are free. The public is encouraged to attend.