Manuel T. Pacheco named interim president of NMSU

"Dr. Pacheco has an extensive background in higher education and an impeccable reputation," said Regents Chair Mike Cheney.
"I had the opportunity to watch Dr. Pacheco serve during a challenging time at New Mexico Highlands University and know that he will do a wonderful job for New Mexico State during this transition," said Regent Javier Gonzales.
"I look forward to working with Dr. Pacheco over the next year," Regent Isaac Pino said. "There is a lot to accomplish in a short amount of time, but I think we have picked the right man for the job."
Pacheco is retired and living in Arizona, but prior to his retirement in 2003, he was president of the four-campus University of Missouri System. Previously, he had been president at the University of Arizona, the University of Houston-Downtown and Laredo State University. In 2006, he also served as interim president at New Mexico Highlands in Las Vegas, N.M.
"I look forward to this opportunity. The last time I served at New Mexico State was a wonderful experience because this is a great university," Pacheco said. "I will make it an important objective to meet as often as I can with the important constituencies of the university and listen to their needs. I am truly looking forward to serving the state of New Mexico."
Pacheco, the oldest of 12 children, was born in Colorado and grew up in New Mexico. He holds a bachelor's degree from New Mexico Highlands University and a doctorate from The Ohio State University. After serving as a high school language teacher he held increasingly responsible faculty and administrative posts at a number of institutions including Florida State University, the University of Colorado, California State University-San Diego, and the University of Texas at El Paso.
Pacheco has served on several corporate boards including Warnaco and Asarco, and currently serves on the board of PNM Resources. In addition, he is a charter member of the not-for-profit boards of the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA), the National Security Education Program, and the University of Arizona Science and Technology Research Park.
The Regents' appointment included direction for an employment contract with Pacheco to be drafted for Regents' consideration at their Oct. 15 meeting. The Regents indicated that the contract should be for no longer than one year and no more than $360,000.