NMSU School for Young Children to sponsor CACFP, accepting PreK appications

The preschool program is free and open to the children of NMSU students, faculty and staff and the Las Cruces community. Both morning and afternoon sessions will be held Monday through Thursday.
To qualify for the program children must be four years old on or before Sept. 1. They also must be scheduled to attend a qualifying school for kindergarten. Qualifying schools include: Alameda, Booker T. Washington, Central, Cesar Chavez, Columbia, Conlee, Dona Ana, East Picacho, Hermosa Heights, Loma Heights, MacArthur, Mesilla Park, Sunrise, Tombaugh, University Hills and Valley View elementary schools.
For more information about enrollment in the program, contact Renate Bone from 9-11 a.m. at 575-646-1651 or by email at rebone@nmsu.edu.
The NMSU School for Young Children will also sponsor the Child and Adult Care Food Program for all its programs, which include the toddler "Turtles," age three to five "Bobcats" and the pre-kindergarten "Roadrunners."
The program is open to qualifying individuals who meet the income/household standards. An income eligibility chart and application are available at the NMSU School for Young Children and online at www.NewMexicoKids.org.
All participants in attendance will be offered the same meals with no physical segregation of or other discriminatory action against any person. To file a complaint of discrimination, write the USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication.
For more information at the CACFP visit, www.NewMexicoKids.org.