Curry County Extension agent receives Distinguished Service Award

Jones received the award from the National Association of County Agriculture Agents during the 2012 Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference held in Charleston, S.C.
"This is the highest honor a county Extension agent can receive," Jones said. "I am very honored to have been selected by my peers."
Jones has been with NMSU for 26 years, 19 of which have been with the Cooperative Extension Service. He primarily works in agriculture in the areas of animal reproduction and genetics, crop production, dairy and urban horticulture.
"I really enjoy that I do something different every day in Extension," Jones said. "I like working with the community and helping area producers solve their agricultural problems."
Jon Boren, associate dean and director of NMSU's Cooperative Extension Service, said
Jones is very deserving of the award.
"Stan is always willing to serve his clientele, the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, and the Cooperative Extension Service system," Boren said. "He always has the best interest of Curry County clientele at heart. Stan provides timely and relevant Extension programs that address current needs and issues facing the citizens of Curry County. He also represents the New Mexico Cooperative Extension Service by serving on a number of college, university, and national committees."